- Diese Veranstaltung liegt in der Vergangenheit.
17. Oktober 2021 @ 15:30 - 17:30
The mixed ability dance workshop is open for participation to anyone interested in dancing and exploring movements within a diverse group, free of charge. The workshop will be led by Vera Rosner, a professional dance teacher and choreographer with experience in conducting dance workshops with DanceAbility. The workshop is in English. Participants will explore their own creativity, as well as a sense of equality and respect for each other through the improvised dancing. The participants will also have the opportunity to explore their own body language and individual physical needs but also abilities.
Participants with and without disabilities are welcome! Through dancing together in this mixed group, we aim to connect people, show each other’s diversity, different abilities, and to stimulate joy for dancing and artistic expression. Join us! 🙂
- 15:15 Uhr Treffpunkt/Meeting
- 15:300 Uhr Beginn/Start
Only limited amount of spots available. To join the event PLEASE SIGN UP VIA E-MAIL (hosting@melange.at). Thank you!
Bitte beachten Sie die 3G-Regel: Getestet, geimpft oder genesen. Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist nur mit einem gültigen negativen Corona-Testergebnis, einem Nachweis über eine Corona-Impfung oder eine überstandene Corona-Infektion gestattet.
Es gilt eine FFP2-Maskenpflicht und die Einhaltung des Sicherheitsabstandes.
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