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Lydia Kallipoliti: Histories of Ecological Design
16. Juni 2023 @ 19:00 - 20:30
Lydia Kallipoliti: Histories of Ecological Design
An Unfinished Encyclopedia
Vortrag in englischer Sprache, kuratiert von der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Architektur.
Moderation: Christina Linortner, ÖGFA
There have been many accounts on the history of ecology and others on the migration of ecological thought to design and architecture practice. This talk will present conflicting definitions and concepts of architects and designers and the parallel histories of their intellectual positions toward environmental thought from the 19th century to today.
Lydia Kallipoliti is an architect, engineer, and scholar whose research focuses on the intersections of architecture, technology and environmental politics. She is an Associate Professor at the Cooper Union in New York.
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